BBQ CHICKEN WINGS
Preparation Time : 15 mins
Cooking Time.      : 15 mins
Total Time Need.  : 30 mins
 Can serve to.        : 4 People


∆  Chicken Wings :1/2 kg
∆  Salt : 1 tsp
∆  Red Chili Powder : 1/2 tsp
∆  Black Pepper (Crushed): 1 tsp
∆  Paprika: 1 tsp
∆  Mixed Herbs : 1/2 tsp
∆  Grated Ginger And Garlic : 1 tsp
∆  1 Cup All-purpose Flour : 1 cup
∆  Cornstarch : 2 tbsp
∆  Barbecue Sauce : 1 cup
∆  Honey : 1/4 cup
∆  Chili Sauce : 2 tbsp
∆  Oil For Frying

             Take 1/2 Chicken Wings
   Add 1/2 tsp salt with the chicken wings
               Add 1/2 red chili powder
                 Add 1/2 black pepper
          Add 1 tsp grated garlic & ginger
                       Mix them well

           Take 1 cup All-purpose flour
        Add 2 tsp cornstarch in the flour
                  Add 1 tsp salt with it
                Add 1/2 tsp Black Pepper
                    Add 1 tsp paprika
              Add 1 tsp red chili powder
             Add 1/2 tsp mixed herbs
             Mix it well like the pictures

       Now put the chicken wings into the                                   Flour mixer
                 Mix well in the flour
           Now take a pan and heat the oil                                    medium high 
        Now put the chicken wings into the                      oil carefully
      Before putting the chicken wings into             the oil, shake off the excess flour
      Deep fry for 10-12 minutes untill the          chicken wings get golden brown clolour
               Then take it from the oil
          Now take a pan and heat it low
          Add 1 cup of barbecue sauce

            Now add 1/4 cup of honey
                Add 2 tsp chili sauce
                   Mix for 3-4 minutes
          Now put the mixture in a bowl
     Put the chicken wings into the bowl

          Mix the wings with the sauce

        Now your BBQ CHICKEN WINGS is                              ready to serve

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